Walks in West Granada

West of A44 is the fertile Vega de Granada around the river Genil linking Granada to the Guadalquivir. There are castles and watchtowers, small white towns and villages with streets plans reminding you of the days of the Moors.

The Lecrín Valley is part of the area along with the Alpujarras in which they were confined after expulsion from Granada and was home to famous Hispanophile, Ian Gibson. There are many minor sierras up to 2000m which drop dramatically to the coast at Almuñécar, a port that the Phoenicians named Sexi.

A little to the east is the busy port of Motril, until the thirties connected by cableway to Durcal and thence to Granada. Just west of Granada is the original Santa Fé, after which many cities in the Americas are named, camp of Ferdinand and Isabella when they took the surrender of Granada by King Boabdil and from which they despatched Columbus, both in 1492. Apart from the coastal strip and Granada city itself, it remains tourist free real Spain.

West Granada


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