Site stuff > Directory entry > Entering your location

Entering your location

Entering a location for your directory entry is easy if you are in the UK. You can simply put in your postcode and we'll work out the latitude and longitude of that location for you.

It's a little more complicated if you want your directory entry located somewhere else, perhaps in Spain or France where we have a number of walks. If you don't put in the location your entry won't appear in the listing on local walks (though it will appear in the country listing in the Directory).

The location needs to be given in latitude and longitude form. There are a few variants for latitude and longitude; the one we need is where the figures are given in pure decimal form (e.g. 54.024556, -3.244567) rather than with N, S, E or W letters or colons between the figures.

This is the standard way in which locations are recorded by GPS devices so if you have one you can get your latitude and longitude from that. You will need to change the display settings so that the GPS shows latitude and longitude rather than the country grid reference you probably normally have it set to.

Another option is to use a digital mapping application like Memory-Map, Quo or Anquet. In almost every mapping application you can place a mark and then look at its properties to find its latitude and longitude. You may need to change the settings for viewing location properties. In Memory-Map, for instance, you should look under the Mode menu for Position Format. From this pick Lat, Long / Degrees (+/-).

It is also possible to get a latitude and longitude position from many online mapping websites. On Google Maps, for instance, click 'Map Labs' at the bottom left of the browser window. From the list of tools that come up enable LatLng Marker. Having done that you can right-click on the map and select to drop a lat/long marker, which gives you the figures you need.

Having determined the figures for the latitude and longitude copy them carefully into the appropriate fields on the directory entry form. Make sure you include any minus signs or your location will be a long way out!