Newsletter > Newsletter archive > August 2023

August 2023

Walkingworld server on the move
Sometime in the next few weeks we will be moving the server on which all Walkingworld's services run, including the website and the data sent to the Walkingworld app. Inevitably there will be some disruption as we do the swap over and it is quite likely that some things won't work perfectly from the start. We will try to get things fixed as soon as possible. Our first focus will be on getting the app working so you can continue to download walks to it and follow them.

There will also be a change to this monthly newsletter. This too will be moving onto a new service. We will be asking you to confirm that you want to continue receiving the newsletter through a simple sign-up on the new service. Please note that we won't transfer your email address automatically so if you want to read the newsletter in future please don't forget to sign up. We will send you a special email with a link to sign up. This is just a warning so that you don't think it is spam, which might otherwise be a perfectly reasonable thing to assume!

Wainwright Society Lecture on Mountain Rescue

Richard Warren, Chair of the Lake District Search and Mountain Rescue Association, will give this year's annual Wainwright Memorial Lecture on the 30th September at 6pm. The event is at the Rheged Centre, just off the M6 motorway near Penrith. The talk is a timely look at Mountain Rescue's work as, by mid-August this year, there had already been 475 emergency call outs in the Lake District.

Richard's lecture will give insights into the work of Cumbria's twelve Mountain Rescue teams, how technology supports Mountain Rescue's work, why search and rescue dogs are still important, what the role of drones could be and much more. All profits will be donated to the Cumbrian teams, which rely entirely on voluntary donations. Tickets are on sale now, priced at £8 for Society members and £12 for non-members, from the Rheged Centre website. Look under 'Talks' to find it.

New OS guidebook of accessible routes
The Pathfinder Lake District and Cumbria – Accessible Routes for All guidebook, published by Ordnance Survey, describes 38 short walks in the Lake District National Park, Cumbrian Solway Coast and along sections of Hadrian's Wall that are suitable for people who may find other countryside walks difficult.

Every route has been designed to avoid obstacles like stiles and gates and is categorised into one of four accessibility ratings, to allow individuals to easily choose routes that suit the levels they are completely comfortable with. All the walks in the guidebook are pushchair friendly and suitable for families with young children.

Scottish Borders Walking Festival 2023
The first week long walking festival in Scottish Borders was held in West Linton in 1994. Since then, the Scottish Borders Walking Festival has moved from town to town each year, co-ordinated by local volunteers. Kelso is delighted to be hosting the walking festival this year, starting this weekend on 2nd September. A group of volunteers from Kelso Community Council, Visit Kelso and local walking groups have created walking and social programmes that will not only introduce you to the town and surrounding area, but hopefully encourage you back for more in the future. There remain quite a few guided walks with free places.